Be One
This Drink Is Full of Cancer Causing Chemicals and Can Destroy Your Bones!

This Drink Is Full of Cancer Causing Chemicals and Can Destroy Your Bones!


In spite of the fact that everybody realizes that drinking soft drinks has numerous health dangers, individuals keep devouring the sugar-filled refreshment. Did you realize that in excess of 75 billion dollars worth of soft drinks are sold each year? This prompted an expanded danger of weight gain, diabetes, heart infections, tooth rot, and so forth.

Pondering whether to drink that container of soft drink? Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t…


10 Foods that Fight Fibromyalgia

10 Foods that Fight Fibromyalgia


Managing fibromyalgia can be a genuine dissatisfaction, yet there are 10 nutrients that battle fibromyalgia.

These 10 sustenances can go a long way toward helping you manage the condition better once a day and, furthermore, help you manage fewer manifestations.

What is fibromyalgia?

There are around three million instances of this condition in the US every year. It is portrayed as across-the-board muscle torment and delicacy, and manifestations incorporate muscle delicacy, soreness, or even fits. Different manifestations include emotional episodes, chilliness or shivering in the hands, swelling, misery, and distraction, as well as exhaustion that influences the whole body….


In Case You Have Back Pain Or Sciatica, Take This Remedy And You Are Never Going To Suffer Again!

In Case You Have Back Pain Or Sciatica, Take This Remedy And You Are Never Going To Suffer Again!


The sciatic nerve is the greatest nerve in the human body. Sciatica is the torment that can be felt in the lower back, posterior, and legs, and it stands out amongst the most well-known back issues. 

Usually, this torment is brought about by a squeezed or chafed sciatic nerve. Regardless of the deplorable agony, this condition is likewise shown by shivering and deadness in the legs. 

The prescriptions specific for sciatica torment give only some transitory impacts, so the specialists prescribe routinely practicing and doing yoga extends since they’re the most ideal approach to treating it…


3 Steps To Reverse A Slow Metabolism Naturally! (#1 Is An Eye Opener!)

3 Steps To Reverse A Slow Metabolism Naturally! (#1 Is An Eye Opener!)


3 Steps To Reverse A Slow Metabolism Naturally! (#1 Is An Eye Opener!)

At the point when your body chooses to moderate your digestion, it's around a certain something: survival! It's not about your body attempting to scheme against you and ruin your life. It's your body settling on an insightful choice to forfeit long-haul wellbeing for transient survival since it's being advised to do as such (for the most part through sustenance or supply shortage). The moderating of the digestion enables your body to go longer on less nourishment. The body will likewise, in general, clutch fat as a defensive component.

So if this is the place you're at, today I'm going to disclose to you how to approach switching your moderate digestion. Understanding what propensities to change is the most critical spot to begin!
5 Early Warning Signs Of Anal Cancer That You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to Talk About

5 Early Warning Signs Of Anal Cancer That You Shouldn’t Be Embarrassed to Talk About


A few people are humiliated to discuss certain things with their specialist. One of those humiliating things is the butt-centric malignant growth, yet there’s not something to be humiliated about in light of the fact that conversing with your specialist and seeing the signs can spare your life. Butt-centric disease is phenomenal and uncommon kind of malignancy that occurs in the butt-centric trench. It is brought about by a hereditary change that turns the mend thy cells into strange. When those cells begin to develop, they gain out of power and they never kick the bucket. These anomalous cells in the end cause a mass tumor…


12 Things Happen When You Start Taking Turmeric

12 Things Happen When You Start Taking Turmeric


Turmeric is a super flavor! It is that brilliant yellow-shaded powder in the incredible rainbow of flavors. Indians and Chinese societies have been utilizing turmeric restoratively for more than 5,000 years, in light of current circumstances.

There are more than 6,000 clinical investigations on turmeric appearing to be a mending herb. Turmeric essentially fills in as a solid mitigating specialist. Pretty much anybody can utilize it to help treat numerous restorative issues and for better overall wellbeing.

Curcumin is the fundamental dynamic fixing found in turmeric. It gives all the incredible calming medical advantages of turmeric while also playing out its exceedingly critical capacity as a cancer prevention agent….


10 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Most People Ignore

10 Early Warning Signs of Cancer Most People Ignore

Every day, a large number of individuals sit in test rooms in specialists’ workplaces and hear three words that change the courses of their lives perpetually: “You have malignant growth.” According to the National Cancer Institute, right around 40 percent of Americans will be determined to have disease sooner or later in their lives. In 2017, there were 1,688,780 new malignant growth analyze and around 600,920 passings.

And on the off chance that you look into side effects of malignant growth on the web, well, everything from a cerebral pain to smeared, red skin will send you in a “Gracious my God. I have malignant growth” spiral, and that is nothing more than a bad memory….



5 Secrets to a Healthy Vagina

5 Secrets to a Healthy Vagina



5 Secrets to a Healthy Vagina

All women should be concerned about their vaginal health. There are many suggested tips you can follow to provide a healthy vaginal environment, but we have taken the time to narrow it down to the five most essential:


1. Maintaining a normal pH balance is important for a healthy vaginal environment.

It is recommended to avoid douching, using harsh soaps or feminine fragrances. Any alteration in the vaginal pH could lead to an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria, leading to infection. Some women have a difficult time maintaining a normal vaginal pH, despite their greatest efforts. There is an over the counter product, RepHresh (available in a variety of forms), which can help normalize the vaginal pH.


2. It is imperative to practice safe sex.

Using condoms will reduce and protect you against transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Some of the more common STD’s are Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomonas, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and Herpes. These STDs commonly cause vaginal discharge, odor, itching, burning, lesions or painful ulcerations.


3. Vaginal hygiene is another important key to a healthy vagina.

The genital area should be kept clean and dry. A mild soap, like Dove, is recommended. Proper wiping techniques (front to back) will prevent contamination of bacteria into the vagina. This is especially important after a bowel movement. Cotton under garments should be worn and thongs should be avoided. It is important to remove wet bathing suits and work out clothes after use to avoid creating a warm and moist environment allowing the perfect environment for yeast production.


4. Adequate vaginal lubrication is another important aspect of vaginal health.

Vaginal dryness can potentially lead to labial and vaginal irritation, chafing, tearing and pain during intercourse. There are several over the counter products (KY and Replens, to name a few) which offer daily moisturizers and vaginal lubricants. Water based lubricants are the safest as they work well with condoms. Silicon and oil based lubricants stay slippery longer but should only be used when you are in a relationship where condoms are not needed for STD prevention. If you are in your menopausal years, your vaginal dryness could be a result of decreased estrogen production. You may benefit from a vaginal estrogen cream supplement to aid in your dryness and comfort. Newer products that contain DHEA and not Estrogen are now available.


5. Your overall health also plays a major role in your vaginal health.

If you are a diabetic, it is important to control your blood sugars. Chronic elevated blood sugars can increase yeast production in the vaginal tissue. Managing your weight is strongly recommended as well. Being overweight in the abdominal region can lead to weakness of the pelvic, bladder and vaginal muscles, which can result in poor control of urine and prolapse of the bladder and/or your uterus. If you are a smoker, you should quit! Smoking can have devastating effects on all organs. Smoking weakens your ability to fight off infection. Smoking will also increase your likelihood of developing cervical and vaginal cancers.

In conclusion, it is important to see your provider yearly for your annual pap smears to screen for cervical cancer. It is advised to seek medical evaluation for vaginal symptoms including discharge, odor, itching, burning, dryness, lesions or ulcerations, and pain during or after intercourse.

As A Woman, You Shouldn’t Ignore These 10 Symptoms Of Cancer

As A Woman, You Shouldn’t Ignore These 10 Symptoms Of Cancer


As A Woman, You Shouldn’t Ignore These 10 Symptoms Of Cancer


There are many wrong beliefs and misconceptions surrounding cancer. One of them is that cancer is a hereditary disease. There are many more such myths about cancer.

No matter what your age, you may develop cancer. This is more probable if the gene responsible for cancer is a faulty one.

There are a few cancers affecting only women. They are- vaginal cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer. Another type of cancer which mostly occurs in females is breast cancer.

Regular cancer screenings are recommended but you can identify signs of this disease by yourself. Following 10 signs are vital in the identification of cancer in women-

1. Any Changes In Your Breast

Sometimes even mammography tests fail to detect breast cancer. If you find a knot-like thing or a lump in your breast, you shouldn’t ignore it.

Even if only one of the breasts feel sore or radiating heat or see redness and swelling, pay heed.

But one crucial symptom is when your breast size changes irregularly. If the skin of your breast puckers up, it is also a vital sign.

Also, if only 1 of your breasts is oozing out bloody or slightly clear secretions, it might be due to cancer.

2. Irregular Periods

If you’ve undergone menopause and yet you’re bleeding, it may be a sign of cancer. Also, if you bleed in between two consecutive periods, you should pay attention. Bleeding during copulation is also a bad sign.

A 2003 research paper in the American Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology specified that bleeding after menopause increases the risk of uterine cancer by 64 times.

3. Excessive Bloating

Periods, overeating and indigestion often lead to bloating. But if you have a bloated stomach for over 3 weeks straight, it may be a symptom of cancer.

The same journal published a study on this in 2001. It says seventy-one percent of the 168 women diagnosed for having ovarian cancer reported chronic bloating.

4. Pain In The Abdomen Or Pelvis Region

We commonly associate such pains with menstrual pain. But if you experience frequent pain in these 2 regions, it can be a sign of cancer. This is more so if the pain accompanies irregular menstrual cycles or bleeding in between 2 consecutive cycles.

A 2006 paper in the Cancer Journal suggests this.

5. Itchy And Bumpy Vag*na

Generally, the pimples on the vag*na are due to poor hygiene and tight underwear. But sometimes it may be a symptom of vaginal cancer.

Such a bump would be black or brown usually, but it may well be pink or red too. It can be anywhere near your clitoris.

6. You Are Not Hungry Often

This symptom in conjunction with any of the above signs is a reason enough to see a doctor like bloating. Ovarian cancer can affect metabolism.

A 2009 BMJ article showed that it is a highly reported symptom for ovarian cancer.

7. Hemoglobin Levels Are Low

It is a vital sign of endometrial cancer. It can cause disorder in blood clotting. The International Journal of Gynecological Cancer published a study related to this in 2001.

8. Don’t Take Obesity Lightly

Excess weight produces extra estrogen. This estrogen causes the cells of uterus to multiply uncontrollably, causing cancer. It is especially a risk factor for women with menopause.

9. Very Frequent Urinal Urges

Such urination along with pain and a burning feel may be an early cancer symptom. It is often ignored but it should be noted and a doctor should be consulted.

10. Vaginal Secretions Without Blood

The American Cancer Society said that about ten percent of uterine cancer associated with a non-bloody discharge. Non-bloody secretions can be a sign of endometrial cancer.

These are a few important signs that you shouldn’t ignore if you’re a woman. Remember, precaution is the best cure.





Health problems in people usually appear with age. Hearing loss can have many different causes. For example: Sudden hearing loss in one ear may be due to earwax, an ear infection, a perforated (burst) eardrum. The most common problems are also the problems with your ears. This could pose a serious problem for one person, for example in the field of where they work: if you’re constantly telling people to repeat you what they’ve said you could have problems. You could also have problems by not hearing the horns of any vehicle, especially while you’re walking or driving.


The market nowadays offers numerous treatments for relief, but today, we’re going to suggest you a natural solution that’s going to help you reduce your hearing problems and solve the problems in your ears very quickly and easily! The ingredient that is used is very common and is used every day by people all around the world. It’s garlic!


Garlic is universally used to solve different health problems. You’ve also probably heard about numerous legends that claimed that garlic had the ability to destroy vampires.


Here’s what you need:


– 3 garlic cloves

– olive oil

– dropper

– cotton or gauze



Take the garlic cloves and remove their rind completely. Then, wash them and press them firmly so that you can extract the maximum quantity of juice possible. Mix the garlic juice with the olive oil and put it in the dropper.



Put three to four drops of this oil in each one of your ears. You really should rest after this, so that the oil could penetrate into your ear deeply. Rest for a while lying down. Take a piece of gauze or cotton to close your ear so that the oil can’t go out. The first results will appear very soon.

You’ll be shocked that your hearing is improved by such a simple recipe and your ears will be much better!

 You Should Read This Before You Shave Your Private Parts

You Should Read This Before You Shave Your Private Parts

Personal hygiene is one area where almost all of us prefer to go the extra mile, especially, when it comes to the maintenance and upkeep of our nether regions. Today, for a lot of women, this also means getting rid of the hair in their pubic region. But it wasn’t always so. In fact, a couple of decades back au naturel was the way to go.

You Should Read This Before You Shave Your Private Parts


What Is The Function Of The Pubic Hair?

Most of our organs and body features exist for a reason. As the human race evolved, the human body developed a number of features which would help it survive in the changing times. Body hair might seem redundant, but it evolved as a result of that. In fact, our body hair acts to regulate our body temperature, and facilitate evaporation of sweat. But what about pubic hair?

8 Healthy Foods We Shouldn’t Overdose On

8 Healthy Foods We Shouldn’t Overdose On


8 Healthy Foods We Shouldn’t Overdose On

Ever since the Mediterranean diet was proven to be a healthier one, people realized just how much food relates to health. Unfortunately, much of the buzz made around this new dietary habit focused on increasing the consumption of one single product, yet not even the so-called superfoods can offer all the nutrients and health benefits of a balanced diet.

Today at, we’ve looked into what can happen when you overdose on healthy foods.

1. Carrots

Carrots are packed with beta-carotene, which your body turns into vitamin A. Such a thing as excess vitamin A does not exist because your body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A as needed. Unfortunately, excess beta-carotene in your body can cause carotenemia, a disease that turns your skin yellowish. It gradually disappears as the carotene is processed and causes no harm.

2. Kombucha

The Chinese drink that conquered the millennial foodie world comes with digestive benefits and is said to increase gut bacteria. However, it also contains a compound called FODMAP, a byproduct of yeast fermentation which if consumed in great quantities, can cause bloating and digestive distress.

3. Water

Too much water can create an electrolyte imbalance by sending sodium levels down to the floor when your kidneys can’t process it anymore. Another consequence, in extreme cases, is water accumulation in the brain which makes it swell and increases pressure since human skulls can’t stretch. Although very rare, both cases have been seen in athletes feeling a compulsive need to rehydrate after a long training session or in people with kidney problems.

4. Avocado

Avocados contain fiber and a great deal of vitamins. It can also help you lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and maintain your cells due to their high content of monosaturated fats. But fat still remains fat. A single avocado contains 240 calories which is about 10%-20% of a person’s ideal calory intake and ingesting too many calories can lead to artery-clogging problems. One should stick to about half or 1 avocado a day if eaten raw (so not avocado chips, for example).

Beetroot is a great source of vitamins and minerals. It also contains many nitric oxides that your body converts into nitrates which can help lower your blood pressure. Those are then turned into nitrosamines which are also found in meat, meaning it could increase one’s chances of developing diseases. Because of this, it might be best to avoid combining a high intake of beetroot and red meat.

6. Seaweed

Seaweed is a rare example of a non-animal product rich in vitamin B12, which makes it a great substitute for meat in vegan and vegetarian diets. It has also been promoted as a superfood that could help you lose weight due to its iodine and fiber-rich content. But a high iodine intake could lead to thyroid problems and even weight gain. Seaweed might also contain high amounts of heavy metals depending on where it grew.

7. Soy and its derivatives

Soy foods are rich in nutrients including vitamin B, fiber, potassium, magnesium, and high-quality protein. It’s considered a complete protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids that the body cannot make. But if you’ve changed your diet recently due to thyroid problems, beware: soy might interfere with hormone medication used to treat hypothyroidism in female patients. Although studies are not conclusive, it’s worth monitoring carefully.

8. Chia seeds

Although chia seeds have been sold as a superfood because of their high omega-3 content, no evidence has been found so far of their health benefits, specifically regarding cardiovascular disease. The omega 3 contained in chia seeds is more difficult to absorb than the kind provided by salmon, so despite containing more of it, you would need to eat about 100 grams of chia seeds to absorb just as much as you would with fish. Here’s the catch: 100 grams of chia seeds contain about 500 calories, which equals about the same as a fast-food hamburger.

Do you think it’s good for your health to consume any foods in great quantities? Why do you think people overconsume these “healthy” foods? Let us know in the comments!