Early Warning Signs of Lupus You Need to Know (And What to Do When You See Them) - Be One

Early Warning Signs of Lupus You Need to Know (And What to Do When You See Them)

Ladies, I really think that you’ll be SHOCKED when we tell you that, according to the Lupus Foundation of America, about 1.5 million Americans have lupus and 9 out of 10 are women.  Both patients and specialists agree that this autoimmune disease is “unpredictable”. It’s a disability that you cannot describe because the whole thing about lupus is it’s so unpredictable.

Early Warning Signs of Lupus You Need to Know (And What to Do When You See Them)

According to the experts, this condition may affect anyone, regardless of their age, race, or ethnic preference. And, one more thing – the severity of the symptoms varies from patient to patient and the person often experiences symptoms which could not be explained. Mallory Dixon, 29, is an attractive, petite brunette and this is her story. She was initially diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but six years later she was diagnosed with lupus due to the many additional symptoms she experienced. Two years later, she felt so miserable and even unable to breathe that she had to go the hospital and seek medical attention.

She said:

“The night before, I was afraid to go to sleep. I tried to downplay the pain, but I had the feeling I was dying.”

UNFORTUNATELY, she “technically’ did die arriving at the hospital.  And the

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