How to unlock the sciatic nerve: 2 simple ways to relieve the pain - Be One

How to unlock the sciatic nerve: 2 simple ways to relieve the pain

The sciatic nerve begins in the lumbar spine and passing through the buttocks, stretches to the foot. Therefore, the pain when cramping is felt particularly strongly.

Usually the term "pinched/pinching of the sciatic nerveinvolves the loss of elasticity and flexibility of the muscles of the rear surface of the foot. It is often associated with the process of age-related shortening (rigidity) of the muscles, which can begin after 30-35 years.

How to unlock the sciatic nerve: 2 simple ways to relieve the pain

Traditional treatment involves diagnosis and purpose of medication. But don't be confined to taking painkillers. Believe me, if during treatment you will perform simple exercises to stretch muscles, the pain will be forgotten soon.

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