This Is How Much You Should Weigh According To Your Age, Body Shape And Height - Be One

This Is How Much You Should Weigh According To Your Age, Body Shape And Height

The Million-Dollar question – what’s the ideal weight for a woman? Well, ladies and gentlemen, we can answer that question for you. Just take a look at the article below and find out more about this. I really think that we have seen extremes on both ends of the spectrum – some women dieting down to skin and bone and other women taking pride with being excessively heavy – it turns out finding a stable middle ground which is optimal in comparison to one’s height, muscle and bone mass, is indeed ideal. 

This Is How Much You Should Weigh According To Your Age, Body Shape And Height


Note: there are different types of weight charts out there! But, this one has been created by specialists and takes into account a woman’s body type. Many other weight charts have a “one size fits all” model which completely ignores the fact that women of the same height have different body frames. This chart does not support the notion that the overly thin models we see in magazines have healthy weight. The chart takes into effect height, and most importantly, body shape. And, it’s very simple – just check out the chart and see where you stand and what your ideal weight should be.

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