The Importance Of Kissing In A Relationship - Be One

The Importance Of Kissing In A Relationship

It’s no surprise that couples who kiss more often tend to be more satisfied with their relationship.

Having a good lip-lock with someone you love is breath taking. But other than just the good feeling, kissing is also an important part in romantic relationships. A study by Oxford University have shown that kissing helps in determining potential partners and, once in a relationship, it may be a way of getting someone you’re interested in to stick around. So if you’re wondering how important kissing is to a relationship, the answer is “very.”

The Importance Of Kissing In A Relationship

Kissing is a big decider of attraction and is a much more pleasurable experience when you’re genetically compatible with your significant other. Also, each kiss is a mix of chemical clues, textures, and tastes that can enhance attraction or wreck it. That’s probably why most men and women loss interest after a bad first kiss. It is not necessarily about being a bad kisser, but rather not strengthening the attraction. Imagine your partner depriving you of morning kisses all because both of you have not washed your mouth – this simply means the both of you are not genetically compatible.

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